In love with our land and its olive trees
12Mil Royales was born from our passion for the olive groves and the land of Jaén, inherited from a rich olive-growing tradition spanning five generations. Every drop of our oil carries with it the experience accumulated over more than a century.
We firmly believe in the responsibility we have towards our planet. That’s why we seek sustainability at every stage of the process, from the field to the bottle.
We are Alexandra and David, and we decided to embark on creating this high-end brand, blending our deep connection to the olive-growing tradition with our modern vision of the world. But we are many more people who make this oil possible. Each bottle of our olive oil is a tribute to the land and the people who have given us so much.
“A vosotros, los artesanos de nuestra tierra,
Los que acumuláis la sabiduría y el sudor,
A los que la humildad de campo os hizo más grandes
Y sembrasteis vida con vuestra incansable labor
A vosotros, que hacéis posible hoy este aceite
Que amáis y respetáis la tierra y la tradición,
A los que nos une con orgullo este deleite
12 mil gracias, y nuestra profunda admiración.”
Alex y David