This Legal Notice regulates the use of the website (hereinafter referred to as the WEBSITE), in accordance with current Spanish and European legislation.

Access, browsing, or use of this WEBSITE implies the express and unconditional acceptance by users of all the terms contained in this Legal Notice; therefore, we recommend reviewing it frequently.

The owner reserves the right to modify the presentation and configuration.

Identification of the website owner

The Owner of this website (hereinafter 12MIL Royales) is:

  • LEGAL NAME: OleoCazorla S.L.
  • NIF  B13993514
  • Address: Avenida de Alfonso XIII 202, 28016, Madrid, Spain
  • Email:

Purpose and reservation

The WEBSITE aims to sell extra virgin olive oil.

This Legal Notice regulates the use of the WEBSITE in accordance with Spanish and European legislation set out in the last section of this Notice. The Owner reserves the right to modify the information, presentation, configuration, and content of the Website, as well as this Legal Notice, without the obligation to provide prior notice of such modifications to users of the website.


Access and/or use of this portal attributes the USER status, who accepts, from said access and/or use, the General Conditions of Use reflected here. These Conditions will apply regardless of the General Conditions of Contract that may be mandatory.

Portal usage

The website provides access to a multitude of information, services, programs, or data (hereinafter, “the content”) on the Internet owned by OleoCazorla S.L., to which the USER may have access. The USER assumes responsibility for the use of the portal, including registration if necessary to access certain services or content.

In this registration, the USER will be responsible for providing accurate and lawful information. As a result of this registration, the USER may be provided with a password, for which they will be responsible, committing to its diligent and confidential use. The USER undertakes to make appropriate use of the content and services that OleoCazorla S.L. offers through its portal, refraining from using them to:

(i) engage in illegal activities, or activities contrary to good faith and public order

(ii) disseminate content or propaganda that is racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal, promoting terrorism, or attacking human rights

(iii) cause damage to the physical and logical systems of OleoCazorla S.L., its suppliers, or third parties, introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that may cause the aforementioned damages;

(iv) attempt to access and, where appropriate, use the email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages. OleoCazorla S.L. reserves the right to remove any comments and contributions that violate human dignity, are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, or that threaten youth or childhood, public order, or security, or that, in its opinion, are not suitable for publication. In any case, OleoCazorla S.L. will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by users through forums, chats, or other participation tools.


OleoCazorla S.L. will not be responsible, in any case, for damages and losses of any nature that may occur, including but not limited to: errors or omissions in the contents, lack of availability of the portal, or the transmission of viruses or harmful or malicious programs in the content, despite having taken all necessary technological measures to prevent them.


OleoCazorla S.L. reserves the right to make, without prior notice, the modifications it deems appropriate on its portal, being able to change, delete, or add both the content and services provided through it, as well as the way in which they are presented or located on the portal.


In the event that links or hyperlinks are set on the website to other Internet sites, OleoCazorla S.L. will not exercise any control over such sites and content. Under no circumstances will OleoCazorla S.L. assume any responsibility for the contents of any link belonging to a third-party website, nor guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, breadth, truthfulness, validity, or constitutionality of any material or information contained in any of said hyperlinks or other Internet sites.

Likewise, the inclusion of these external connections will not imply any type of association, merger, or participation with the connected entities.

Intellectual Property

The WEBSITE and the trademarks, trade names, and distinctive signs contained therein, such as 12MIL Royales and other trademarks that may appear in the future, are the exclusive property of the OWNER, who therefore holds the exclusive rights to use and exploit them. The following elements are also the property of the OWNER or third parties who have authorized their use and are protected by these exclusive rights: the contents of the site, including but not limited to: code, texts, images, graphic designs, articles, favicon, designs, interfaces, and any other similar material published on this website.

The OWNER reserves the right to take legal action in its favor to defend its interests or any infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights committed by the USER or THIRD PARTIES.

Personal Data Protection

In accordance with the national and international regulations regarding Data Protection mentioned in the section “Applicable Law and Jurisdiction,” all personal data provided during the use of the WEBSITE will be processed in accordance with the provisions of our Privacy Policy.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Spanish legislation is the legal framework that will apply to resolve any controversy or issue related to the interpretation, application, and compliance with this Legal Notice, as well as any claims that may arise from its use.

The parties (the Holder and the User) expressly submit to the Judges and Courts of Madrid, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.

However, 12MIL ROYALES and the user may resolve their disputes through the channels provided by the legislation on arbitration and consumer and user defense, as well as through the procedures for out-of-court resolution of conflicts provided for in codes of conduct or other self-regulatory instruments.

This site complies with the current Spanish and European regulations applicable to it, namely:

The Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights.

The Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (GDPR).

Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulation for the development of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (RDLOPD).

Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE).

Madrid, 2023.