In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), Oleocazorla, S.L. (hereinafter, the seller) informs that it is the owner of the website In accordance with the requirement of Article 10 of the aforementioned Law, the seller informs about the following data:

El titular de este sitio web es Oleocazorla, S.L., con CIF B13993514 y domicilio social en Avenida de Alfonso XIII 202 | 28016 de Madrid (Madrid). La dirección de correo electrónico de contacto es

The owner of this website is Oleocazorla, S.L., with VAT ID number B13993514 and registered office at Avenida de Alfonso XIII 202 | 28016, Madrid (Madrid). The contact email address is

Every order placed with the Seller necessarily implies, as an essential, decisive, and indispensable condition, the unreserved acceptance by the customer of the Sales Conditions in force on the day the corresponding order is placed. In addition, the Customer acknowledges that the acceptance of these conditions implies their application to the order to which they refer, as well as to any subsequent order, except in cases where new conditions are brought to their attention.

The fact that the Seller does not resort to any of these conditions at a certain time cannot be interpreted nor will it be equivalent to waiving the right to resort to them in the future or in the past.


The prices published on are indicated in Euros and are valid except for typographical errors. All prices include the applicable VAT on the day of the order, any changes in VAT rates will automatically apply to the prices of the products for sale.

The seller reserves the right to change the prices on the website at any time and without prior notice.

Offers on products for sale on will be indicated on the product page and, unless otherwise stated, will be valid as long as they are displayed on the screen.

Payment Methods

When placing an order, the customer can pay for their purchases made at using Credit/debit card via the secure payment gateway of Stripe

Pago Seguro

When placing an order, the customer can pay for their purchases made at using Credit/debit card via the secure payment gateway of Stripe

Our server uses a secure data transmission protocol (SSL), highly recommended for secure commercial transactions. All operations are regulated by the Spanish state data protection law.

In some cases, after clicking the final payment button, the page may redirect to your bank’s website and request an extra Security key for payment with your Visa or Mastercard. This is 3D Secure, a security system developed by your bank that asks you to enter your personal key and make the purchase securely. The key for online purchases with your card is entirely personal and must be provided by your bank. For more information, you can contact your bank.

All data registered on serves as proof of transactions carried out between the seller and its customers. In the event of a dispute between the seller and one of its customers over a transaction made on the website, all data registered by the seller will be considered irrefutable proof of the transaction.

Shipping and Returns

Once the purchase is received, you have a period of 15 calendar days from the delivery of the product (considered as such, unless proven otherwise, the date indicated on the delivery document signed by the recipient) to examine it. If it does not meet expectations, you can request the return of the product, excluding the already charged shipping costs. In this case, the return shipping and return costs will be borne by the customer.

To make the return, the product must be in perfect condition. Once the merchandise is received and its condition checked, the refund will be processed in the same way as the purchase was made.

In any case, the return of defective products and incorrect shipments will be accepted, with the seller covering the shipping costs provided that the customer communicates this circumstance within 7 calendar days from the date of receipt of the shipment.

Legal Actions, Applicable Legislation, and Jurisdiction

The seller also reserves the right to take civil or criminal actions it deems appropriate for the misuse of its website and content or for the breach of these conditions.

The relationship between the user and the seller will be governed by the current regulations applicable in Spanish territory. In the event of any dispute, the parties may submit their conflicts to arbitration or go to the ordinary jurisdiction in compliance with the rules on jurisdiction and competence in this regard.

The interpretation and execution of the conditions, as well as all acts that result from them, will be subject to Spanish law, except for provisions of public order to the contrary.