Unique and surprising olive oil

High standards from olive grove to liquid gold

To achieve an excellent oil, it’s crucial to choose the optimal moment for harvesting and to carefully attend to every detail.

In just one week, the olives from twelve thousand Royal olive trees will travel the slightly less than a kilometer that separates them from the mill; the most rigorous in the region – and it’s not just our opinion. This mill owes its reputation to producing only the highest-quality oils and a constant commitment to the most environmentally friendly practices. We couldn’t think of a better place to craft our oil and ensure that the Royal olives preserve every last one of their properties.

500ml bottle with case

Organic EVOO Royal Variety

We are early harvest. So early that we are among the first in the region, thus maximizing oil properties and achieving better notes in its aroma and flavor. There’s no other option for us.

The result is an intense green oil with all the personality of an early extra virgin, yet with minimal presence of bitter taste and a subtle, late spiciness.

What else makes us proud of our oil?

In addition to its flavor, it is one of the healthiest oils on the planet: it has a high content of Vitamin E and a high concentration of polyphenols – powerful antioxidants – and oleocanthal – a potent natural anti-inflammatory.

PDO Sierra de Cazorla

The PDO Sierra de Cazorla is one of the most prestigious in the olive oil world. The Royal olives are located in the heart of the Cazorla, Segura, and Las Villas Natural Park, the birthplace of the Guadalquivir River.

We are in Jaén, the province with the highest concentration of olive groves in the world and one of the most highly valued for its quality.